Now it almost seems contradictory to have the words “Jesus” and “selfish” in the same sentence but I promise it makes quite good sense.
Jesus Year
– urban dictionary
The 33rd year of your life where you are reborn in some sense. Perhaps a mid-life crisis, perhaps an ego death, perhaps the year where you abandon old ways and start new ….
So the cat’s out of the bag: I’m turning 33 in a couple of days and I’m freaking out…. of excitement!
2018 was quite an eventful year and some would even categorize it as “My Year”: I was in a movie that got released in theaters nationwide, I walked red carpets, Got flown cross-country for press, I got married, Some of my bestfriends got married… and had babies, I moved!! … quite a lot & pretty freakin’ awesome if you ask me and though I’m not having a mid-life crisis or ego death I’m definitely having a sort of “coming to Jesus” moment with myself.
What could the possibilities be if I decided to put myself first?
See, I’m a nurturer by nature and I pride myself on being an excellent listener but I’ve actually really sucked at doing that for myself. The needs of others always overpowered mine as I just could not get out of my head thoughts like “…but they need me,” “… I’m the only one who can help with this,” “…I have to.
I’ve always felt a deep need and desire to better the lives of others – whether it’s giving advice to a friend or making certain career choices.
Now that’s not to say that I’m going to stop being a nurturer – I can’t, it’s in my nature but what if I decided to add myself on that list of “friends” and maybe even put myself first on occasion
*enter my Jesus Moment*
This year I want to flip the script a bit and here are 3 things I vow:
#1: To Be Selfish
or in other words, put myself first … well at least sometimes (**I think I just failed my vow lol**) No but seriously, I put this first as it’s going to be the hardest of the three for me to work on.
I’ve always been pretty good about listening to myself but I could always find a reason to put off “doing” for myself & this year I want to re-prioritize that.
#2: To Take (Mor) Risks
I can’t say I’m a risky person (still can’t get myself to jump in a pool over 5ft deep…heck! even 5ft is too deep lol) but I’ve never shied away from risks. Don’t believe me? Ask my Dominican family what they thought after I decided not to become a doctor and pursue acting…yup.
So let’s keep that going, so long as it makes me happy and keeps me living in my purpose, it’s worth the leap
#3: To Say No
Say word?! That’s right, say “no”
Hands up if you’d said “yes” more times than you meant to? I know the feeling but there is bravery and powerful growth in saying No and it’s time to find that tricky balance between the two – even if it makes me uncomfortable
Join in! What do you think?